In 2009, the Innovation Center for U.S. Dairy set a goal to reduce enteric methane emissions per pound of fluid milk by 25 percent by 2020. At this point, our industry has seven years left to meet or exceed...
It seems like just yesterday Eastside Lewisdale Gold Missy paraded across the colored shavings and was crowned Supreme Champion at the 2011 World Dairy Expo. Therefore, it's fitting that she is front and...
Holstein Association USA classifier Willis Gunst recently attended a twilight meeting in Wisconsin to share the new classification changes with Holstein breeders and to answer questions they have on the...
Hoard's Dairyman completed its 20th webinar yesterday. Paul Fricke of the University of Wisconsin-Madison shared "Five keys to reproductive success" with attendees from 25 states, seven Canadian provinces...
In Raleigh, N.C., North America's finest natural cheesemakers are meeting this week for the American Cheese Society's (ACS) annual conference and cheese competition
Clayton Yeutter, former U.S. Secretary of Agriculture and Trade Representative (USTR), opened Monday's "Is this farm boom different?" at the Kansas City Federal Reserve by answering the event's main question
When Hoard's Dairyman commissioned artist Bonnie Mohr, Glencoe, Minn., to create a new edition to its Foster Mothers of the Human Race paintings, the result was astounding
I spent the past week at my family's dairy farm in southwest Minnesota. One evening, while helping my dad with a few chores after milking, we felt a few drops of rain. We hoped the sprinkles would turn...
Gratitude seems to be lost these days. A sincere thank you is replaced with a "Yea, thanks man." While some gestures only need a quick thank you, others might necessitate more. Writing thank you notes...
You may be facing challenges with the availability and expense of common bedding sources such as sawdust or the management of sand bedding. In recent years recycled manure solids have become a more prevalent...
We posted a photo yesterday on our Hoard's Dairyman Facebook page of a well-dressed young man standing at the end of his dairy barn with rose petals sprinkled down the alley. We thought it was a unique...
The National FFA Contest encompasses dairy management into their judging contest. by Hoard's Dairyman staff Many of us began dairy judging in 4-H programs. The younger members started by just filling out...
April 24 was vocabulary-building day not only for consumers, but for many dairy producers, too. The word we learned was "atypical." We also learned that its meaning basically boils down to: Every now and...
n a mere 6.5 hours, fourth grade students along with 120 parents, split into three shifts, were exposed to Wisconsin's agricultural industry while attending the fourth grade farm tour held in Jefferson,...
Confirmation reached the Hoard's Dairyman offices that a BSE case had been found in a California dairy cow shortly after 2 p.m. Central time yesterday. Thoughts of "the Christmas surprise" of 2003 (the...
If you are planning an event, whether a farm tour or school visit, now is the time to start gathering material. There are several resources available to help producers promote the dairy industry and dairy...
It was 1948 when Cornelis and Arij van der Lely invented the finger-wheel rake. Since then, Lely has aimed to improve manual tasks in many areas of agriculture and other industries. We sat down with Chad...